“Lenten Season”


                                                Lenten season is an opportunity to help us to remember Jesus' 40 days of fasting and temptation in the wilderness. The period of Lent is a forty day long ceremonial period of fasting and prayer before Easter, however in the present society the question emerges is Lent actually characterized along these lines or has the definition changed. The Lenten season happens following the celebration of Epiphany. Formally, Lent goes on for 48 days beginning on Ash Wednesday before the Paschal Triduum. Churches have not gone totally off with their lessons of Lent.

                                                Lent is supposed to assist us with setting up the restoration of our Lord and it represents Christ’s trial of fasting and temptation in the wilderness. The problem is not the teachings of the Church but, how the members of the Church practice Great Lents traditions and the dismissal of the five points of Lents true purpose. The five points of the seasons true purpose are fasting, spiritual growth, self-denial, conversion, and simplicity. You must worship the Lord your God and serve him alone.  Lent invites us to prepare for Easter by focusing on God alone. The prayer, atonement and almsgiving of Lent are nurturing us to focus on God alone. Praying more strongly, we will be brought into divine life. The season is extensive rather than narrowing yet it centres our attention on One.  As we repent of our sins, our erring presents itself to us as, above all, an offence against God.   We may well have injured other people and wrought destruction in the world. Our contrition for these hurts, however, includes the realisation that all of them are acts of disobedience to our creator.

                                                You must not put the Lord your God to the test. Lent invites us to submit ourselves, through prayer, penance and charity, to the rhythms of a life-giving season. We do not, however, emphasise our hopes and expectations. This time is offered without strings to the One who is the Lord of all. We are not bargaining with God or challenging him. With his help, we are trying, in this favourable moment, to want what he wants. He is giving us new life but not because of our Lenten efforts. By the obedience of Christ, many will be made righteous.

Resources: lent pictures - Bing images
